4. Sustaining Your Farmers Market’s Human Capital

The Mighty Market Manager
Farmers Market managers are the face of the market to vendors and shoppers. Most shoppers, vendors and stakeholders do not understand the myriad details that go into creating a successful farmers market. Given the wide range of duties and demands, supporting training and professional development for farmers market managers is essential.

Hiring for Farmers Market Success
This is an overview of the best tips on hiring staff to work at farmers markets. Written for vendors, it also offers helpful tips for any hiring at farmers markets.

Steering the Ship: Market Boards and Advisory Committees
Farmers Market Boards and Advisory Committees come in all shapes, sizes and names. Their job is to provide governance to the market organization. As with any business, a farmers market goes through different ‘life stages” that require different expertise and roles for the board members to effectively govern the needs of the changing organization.

Farmers Market Volunteers
Volunteers donate untold hours, days, and seasons to making Washington State farmers markets possible. They are especially crucial for new and small markets, but can play significant roles at markets of any size.  Planning ahead to formally train and recognize volunteers can bring long term benefits to the market.


Timely information, tips, and templates to build your market organization